
Showing posts from June, 2021

This Is Not Goodbye

Photo by Ishan @seefromthesky on Unsplash Life is made of moments And days and years that fly.  This is the end of middle school,  But this is not goodbye. This is a moment to hold gently, Like a flawless diamond in your fist, Like a perfect summer sunrise, Like a fleeting ocean mist. H. B. Whitehorne Middle School  Is made of more than bricks and glass. You are the school. Even apart, You were united as a class. In truth, some days felt endless.  Your eyes ached from chrome book screens. You had to point your webcam at the ceiling,  So that your sadness wasn’t seen. You learned at a young age That Life’s a child who won’t play fair, And Fate’s a thief of plans and dreams,  But Hope surrounds us, just like air.  Sometimes the grownups don’t have answers. We’re all just trying to work it out.  But we are a team. You are the greatest. And we couldn’t be more proud.  You believed and kept on fighting, And that’s not an easy thing to do. But you learned to keep on going. You found the str

A Poem for the 2020-2021 School Year
