This Is Not Goodbye
Photo by Ishan @seefromthesky on Unsplash Life is made of moments And days and years that fly. This is the end of middle school, But this is not goodbye. This is a moment to hold gently, Like a flawless diamond in your fist, Like a perfect summer sunrise, Like a fleeting ocean mist. H. B. Whitehorne Middle School Is made of more than bricks and glass. You are the school. Even apart, You were united as a class. In truth, some days felt endless. Your eyes ached from chrome book screens. You had to point your webcam at the ceiling, So that your sadness wasn’t seen. You learned at a young age That Life’s a child who won’t play fair, And Fate’s a thief of plans and dreams, But Hope surrounds us, just like air. Sometimes the grownups don’t have answers. We’re all just trying to work it out. But we are a team. You are the greatest. And we couldn’t be more proud. You believed and kept on fighting, And that’s not an easy thing to do. But you...