My Love-Hate Relationship With Social Media
Photo by Sandrachile . on Unsplash If you judge me by my latest tweet Your view of me is incomplete. You’ll never find out who I am By looking through my Instagram. So consumed with social media And BuzzFeed and Wikipedia We never screen what’s on our screens Never asking what it means. Am I guilty, too? Of that I’m sure. I long for the world we had before. All this noise. It’s just too much. We’re not drawing close. We’re losing touch. I need your likes to make me whole And your retweets to feed my soul. But a hashtag is not the truth And a picture isn’t proof. So what do we stop to tell our kids? Don’t do the things that I just did? Don’t waste all your time there on your phone And let your loved ones feel alone? Read a book or play a song Plant a garden, right a wrong. It all sounds so trite, so neat As if changing is an easy feat. I don’t have one quick solution No preachy N...