Teaching with Compassion
Photo by Mayur Gala on Unsplash "Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them, humanity cannot survive." -Dalai Lama I think all educators lose sight of the big picture from time to time, myself included. We are so busy doing what we think we MUST: grading the papers, making the copies, sending the emails, and perfecting the lessons. Do we always find time for the things we OUGHT to do? Do we smile more at our students? Do we say hello in the hallways? Do we compliment our students? Do we ask them how they are doing-- really doing-- and wait for the answer and actually listen? On my good days, sure, I do these things. On my bad days, the days I am caught up in doing what I think I MUST, I send a child over to the stacks alone, telling myself I'm teaching independence when really, I just want to finish the email I am writing. When I am too wrapped up in my own agenda, I scribble the pass to the library for lunch, bare...